Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Again, PBNU to send its 26 cadres to UK

Jakarta, NU Online. The Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) will again send its 26 cadres to the United Kingdom at the mid of February next year to follow an education management training for Islamic boarding schools for a month.

Chairman of the PBNU for foreign affairs HM Rozy Munir said at the PBNU office, Jalan Kramat Raya, Jakarta, Saturday (30/9) that the dispatch of the 26 participants following the training was carried out because of cooperation between PBNU and the UK.

This program is rescheduling cooperation between the UK and PBNU. We are now preparing 26 NU cadres to send in the mid of February next year, he said.The 26 scores coming from various regions throughout Indonesia are namely, Abdul Ghofarrozin, MA (central Java), Abdul Kadir Riyadi, S. Ag (East Java), Afifatul Anwariyah Fauzi, M. Si (Jakarta), Agus Salim, S. Sos (Bengkulu), Andi Asdar, S.Pd (South Sulawesi), Firdaus (West Sumatera), Masri Hamzah (North Sulawesi), Khodijah, S.Psi (NAD), Muhammad Nilzam Yahya, M. Ag (Yogyakarta), and so forth.

Again, PBNU to send its 26 cadres to UK (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)
Again, PBNU to send its 26 cadres to UK (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)

Again, PBNU to send its 26 cadres to UK

Rozy explained all of the participants were representatives of NU institutions and Islamic boarding schools across the country. They were elected names through final selection conducted by the PBNU and British Council.

The former minister of State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) during KH Abdurrahman Gus Dur Wahids administration suggested that the countrys largest Muslim organization would again give opportunity for other candidates willing to join the same purposeful program in 2008 ahead.

NU Online

There is still opportunity for other candidates to follow the training (education management) in coming 2008, he said. (dar)

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Kami bukan situs resmi NU, tapi kami sejalan dengan Nahdlatul Ulama yang menciptakan masyarakat dunia maya yang ngadem-ngademi dan tidak profokatif..


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