Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

Over 74 pct Indonesian hajj pilgrims arrive in Holy Land

Medina, NU Online. Some 114,508 or about 74.33 percent of the Indonesian hajj quota of 154,053 pilgrims for this year`s pilgrimage season have arrived in the Holy Land, according to computer data compiled by Siskohat on Wednesday (2/10).

The head of Siskohat for Mecca Section Moh Undang Asep SA said that pilgrims who had arrived were grouped in 303 flight batches and had arrived at Jeddah`s King Abdul Aziz Airport and Medina`s Amir Mohammad Abdullah Airport.

Over 74 pct Indonesian hajj pilgrims arrive in Holy Land (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)
Over 74 pct Indonesian hajj pilgrims arrive in Holy Land (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)

Over 74 pct Indonesian hajj pilgrims arrive in Holy Land

The final batch of Indonesian hajj pilgrims is expected to arrive at the Jeddah airport on October 9.

The Hajj Task Force for the Mecca working area (Daker Mekkah) reported that 104,057 Indonesian hajj pilgrims had arrived in Mecca. They were transported in 258 flight batches.

NU Online

Indonesian Hajj official for Medina Tati Yuliati revealed that Daker Mekkah would receive Indonesian hajj pilgrims travelling in a batch of 10 flights from Medina on Wednesday.

NU Online

These include flight batch No. 14 from Batam (449 pilgrims), No. 14 from Makassar (375), No. 5 from Palembang (360), No. 19 from Jakarta (452), No. 29 from Jakarta-Bekasi (440), No. 10 from Balikpapan (357), No. 30 from Jakarta-Bekasi (449), No. 34 from Solo (371), No. 20 from Jakarta (45) and flight batch No. 10 from Lombok (325).

Hajj pilgrims who are still staying in Medina have been pegged at 7,987 and will arrive in a batch of 20 flights.

Siskohat data indicated that the number of Indonesian pilgrims dying in the Holy Land had touched 27 till Tuesday.

The Integrated Hajj Computerized Service System (Siskoat) showed earlier that the number of deaths rose to 24 after three persons died in Mecca and one in Medina.

Those who died in Mecca were Muliana Rambe binti Abdul Rambe (59) of the Medan embarkation point (flight batch 15), Rukmini binti Abdullah (67) of the Jakarta embarkation point (flight batch 35) and another one, whose identity is yet to be established.

The pilgrim, who died in Medina, has been identified as Abdul Manan of Batam from flight batch 14.

The head of the Indonesian Hajj Health Service (BPHI) in Medina Dr. Suharto said Indonesian hajj pilgrims had been allotted three health care service sections during their stay in Saudi Arabia.

The first section is the health team, which provides health services to each group of the hajj pilgrims` flight batches, the second one is in the hajj boarding and the third one is the BPHI in each of the hajj task forces working area (Daker).

"BPHI Medina has an IGD room and 65 beds for in-patient treatment," he said as quoted by Antara news agency.

He added that health care service in each section was provided only to stabilize the patients condition. After a six hour treatment, the patient would be referred to BPHI if his or her health conditions improved.

Based on the data provided by the Diskohat service, 1,389 patients have undergone out-patient treatment after having been examined in the BPHI. These include 130 being treated in Jeddah, 415 in Medina and 844 in Mecca.

In addition 293 pilgrims have been referred to Saudi Arabia`s hospitals.

Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq

Dari (National) Nu Online: http://www.nu.or.id/post/read/47425/over-74-pct-indonesian-hajj-pilgrims-arrive-in-holy-land

NU Online

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