Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

NU national meeting will be held at Pesantren Al Hikam II

Jakarta, NU Online. All board members of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) ranging from Syuriyah and Tanfidziyah held a joint meeting with the organizing committee of the National Meeting and the Large Conference on Monday (18/8).

They agreed that both meetings would be held on 30 to 31 August 2014 at the KH Hasyim Muzadi-led Al Hikam II Islamic boarding school (pesantren), Depok.

NU national meeting will be held at Pesantren Al Hikam II (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)
NU national meeting will be held at Pesantren Al Hikam II (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)

NU national meeting will be held at Pesantren Al Hikam II

The National Meeting and the Large Conference were previously scheduled to be held on August 22 at Pesantren Al-Hamid, Cilangkap, East Jakarta. Because of the ongoing learning and teaching process in the pesantren, the two scholarly events could not be held in the pesantren.

NU Online

"We sincerely apologize, Pesantren Al-Hamid could not be used to host the NUs National Meeting and Large Conference 2014 for the learning and teaching process has been running" said the leader of Pesantren Al Hamid KH Lukman Hakim Hamid in a letter read at the meeting.

The NU National Meeting and the Large Confence 2014 would initially held at Pesantren Al-Hamid on 13-15 June 2014 but were postponed until the presidential elections.

NU Online

The joint meeting chaired by the General Chairman of NU KH Said Aqil NU Siroj at the NU headquarters, Jln. Kramat Raya 164 Jakarta.

While, the leader of Pesantren Al Hikam II KH Hasyim Muzadi attending the meeting said that his pesantren would prepare everything to host the much-awaited meetings.

Editing by Sudarto Murtaufiq

Dari (National) Nu Online:

NU Online

Kami bukan situs resmi NU, tapi kami sejalan dengan Nahdlatul Ulama yang menciptakan masyarakat dunia maya yang ngadem-ngademi dan tidak profokatif..


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