Jumat, 19 Desember 2014

Worlds sufis will hold meeting in Pekalongan

Jakarta, NU Online. As a preparatory step ahead of an international sufi meeting (Multaqa Sufi Alami), the leaders of sufi orders (tariqa) from various countries are scheduled to gather in Pekalongan, Central Java, on January 14, 2013. They will immediately formulate concepts to establish a worldwide tariqa organization.

"Those who are from( such countries as) Egypt, Syria, Sudan, and UEA, will be in Pekalongan," Secretary of the organizing committee Ali Abdillah told NU Online by phone on Friday (4/1).

Worlds sufis will hold meeting in Pekalongan (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)
Worlds sufis will hold meeting in Pekalongan (Sumber Gambar : Nu Online)

Worlds sufis will hold meeting in Pekalongan

As reported, one of the main agenda of the Multaqa Sufi Alami initiated by the Ahlit Thariqah al-Mutabaroh an-Nahdliyah (Jatman) is establishing a worldwide tariqa organization. To finalize the concept, founding boards (majlis tasis) from various countries will hold a meeting in Pekalongan.

NU Online

According to the Mudir Aam Idarah Aliyah (supreme leader) of Jatman, KH Abdul Muthi, sufi order organization at the international level is needed to unify any sufi order from different parts of the world having not been well-organized. The purposeful establishment of the organization is aimed at upholding the importance of monotheism in addition to helping create world peace.

The much-awaited forum will reportedly be held on January 27, 2013 at the Jakartas Borobudur Hotel. This momentous event will be attended by some 400 Sufis around the world.

NU Online

Editor : Sudarto Murtaufiq

Writer : Mahbib Khoiron

Dari (National) Nu Online: http://www.nu.or.id/post/read/41599/world039s-sufis-will-hold-meeting-in-pekalongan

NU Online

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